family practice issues and general life events

And so what happens now

So for the first time since medical school, I am unemployed.  Well temporarily, I am between jobs for the next 6 weeks.  It is a bit odd.  And so far, I have been to a cardiologist with my husband and today, I was back at my old clinic, briefly, but even still.

I took 2 walks today. I hate to clean and since we have a moving company moving us to our next house, I don’t really care to pack, when I am paying someone to pack for me.

And yet, I don’t miss it yet.  So wednesday last week was my last day, so I haven’t been out of work even a week yet. I just don’t know what to do with myself.

After almost 3 years of being told that I wasn’t seeing enough patients to be worth equipment that was standard of care.  I wasn’t seeing enough patients to warrant a scribe even temporily following surgery on my right elbow.  Did I mention that I was right handed, and less than 6 months later, others seeing fewer patients were given scribes. 

And it was during that three years, I realized that corporate medicine is detrimental to patient care and physicians both.  Corporate did not realize that while I didn’t do the expensive procedures that were great for their bottom line, I was the one referring them.  The response of “You’re just family medicine,” became so frequent and demeaning, I started to accept that I was less than I really am.  The administrators who make larger salaries, for what, I don’t know.  When you try to tell those in charge how things have to be done, and when you are ignored only for them to realize later that they should have done it your way. 

It is difficult to complain as I realize that others have it worse, and even though I was severely underpaid, others had it worse than I did.  And so now I am venting.  I don’t know what all I should say, and so I can’t say more at this time.  Maybe later.

Comments on: "And so what happens now" (2)

  1. I will apologize for my tone. I actually would have deleted it almost as soon as I pressed send, as it was not appropriate. Sometimes we write things we regret, and yet it is too late since we already hit enter. I find it therapeutic to type out answers, except most of the time I delete things when I reread them.
    Responding on a post that I made over a year ago, was not where I expected a response.
    However, I do owe you an apology, for a comment that I put on your post.
    Please do keep learning

  2. I hope that you see this apology, because I do mean it. I don’t know how else to get it to you. There are some legitimate concerns I have about what you posted, but I should have noticed it before I hit send how it sounded.
    So I do apologize for the comment. And while you don’t have any reason to believe me, but I did attempt to delete it after I hit send on the comment. Unfortunately there is no method to do that from my phone

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